Post by Tessa on Jul 7, 2008 9:31:51 GMT -5
1.Weanling Colts Kumfumbled Art Detson Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise
2.Weanling Fillies FDI Assateague Surprise MS Royally Bewildered Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Pier One Roundabout's Disco Ball WB Torrential Love Roundabout's Stormy Pink
3.Yearling Colts GM Adonis FDI Ghostly Haunt Roundabout's Godzilla Johnson's Out N' About WB Cyclone Roundabout's Little Daredevil
4.Yearling Fillies Star Hierarchy Roundabout's Lady Crimson Glass Eyed Girl Lookatme Cool Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round S Black Suit Optional
5.2YO Colts Light O Grwbin Titanium Citizen
6.2YO Fillies Beadless Pretty Classy Hana Roundabouts Heatwave
Champion Colt: ResChampion Colt: Champion Filly: ResChampion Filly:
7.3YO Stallions
8.3YO Mares Sunshine Lullaby Golden Witha Twist Kickass Glitter Little Miss Honeysuckle S Pixie Stix
9.4YO Stallions Ashwood Renegade SAI Smokin Pistols Confusion RockHard Thomas
10.4YO Mares Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Red Athena Capture The Spirit Daisy Peponita Powered By Fear Zippo Pine Spree Lady Aura
11.5YO Stallions Downland Buzz Quicksilver Mercury Thornhills Locksmith Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Tills Gone
12.5YO Mares Royalty Black Magic Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Bavin Mythical Dreams Angel In Waiting S Sheza Tough Rocket S Lady Of York CH Free Spirit CH First Love Fire Bluehawks Fairy
13.6YO Stallions Black Death Sparks Double Disco SAI Fireman
14.6YO Mares Dolled Up Red Hot Busy Bee Rose Talisman Diamond High Showtime
Champion Jr Stallion: ResChampion Jr Stallion: Champion Jr Mare: ResChampion Jr Mare:
15.7YO Stallions Ice Cream Chocolate Drizzle Bay B Boy
16.7YO Mares Our Deliverance Vanilla Cream FDI Rebel Lady Star Encore Midsummers Night Owl S Lil Lynx
17.8YO Stallions Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Genuine Freckle
18.8YO Mares Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Peach Blossom Stone Princess Royal Buffette No Luck Needed CZ Kryptoquote Bristols Little Bandit
19.9YO Stallions 20.9YO Mares Ultimatiums Carolina's Wild Bird Custom Martini Kenwood's Owena Morwenna High Hopes Filigree
21.10 & Over Stallions FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Distinctive Kid Michaelanglo Plaudit Of Fire The Cream Mint Powyvalley Trooper York
22.10 - 14YO Mares The Secret Dream Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight Ceinwen Rhiannon Double Skippin Dee Out of The Blue Precious Memories Sailing Jane Zafiro's Moment At The Dock Dixie Harvest The Devil Master Story Teller Misty Ride Angel In Gold Shimmering Pink Im Peppermint Patty Two Miss Coppertone Pixie Dust Rusty Luck Cinderella Dragons Silver Heiress Free Of Personality Penelope Princess Bella Stately Glimpse Two Too Tango
23.15 & Over Mares Dutchess of Aryn Beauty Star Shiny Little Dudette
Champion Sr Stallion: ResChampion Sr Stallion: Champion Sr Mare: ResChampion Sr Mare:
24.Open Geldings Smidge
25.Get of Sire (2+ foals by same stallion) Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie, Roundabout's Little Daredevil and Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Lady Crimson and Roundabout's Pier One Bavin Mythical Dreams and Bavin Red Athena
26.Produce of Dam (2+ foals by same mare)
27.2 & Under Lunge Line Western Horse Pretty Classy Hana Lookatme Cool Roundabout's Disco Ball Roundabouts Heatwave
28.2 & Under Lunge Line English Horse Beadless Light O Grwbin Art Detson Glass Eyed Girl Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Lady Crimson Roundabout's Pier One S Black Suit Optional Roundabout's Little Daredevil Johnson's Out N' About Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round WB Cyclone WB Torrential Love Titanium Citizen
29.Futurity Showmanship Sunshine Lullaby
30.Jr Showmanship Bavin Jazz Lady Powered By Fear Smidge SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH First Love CH Monsoon RockHard Thomas
31.Sr Showmanship American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols Star Encore
32.Futurity Hunter Under Saddle
33.Jr Hunter Under Saddle Royalty Black Magic Downland Buzz Black Death Deluxe Set-back Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman S Sheza Tough Rocket Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Confusion Tills Gone RockHard Thomas Fire Bluehawks Fairy
34.Sr Hunter Under Saddle Ultimatiums Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom
35.Futurity Hunt Seat Equitation 36.Jr Hunt Seat Equitation Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm Fire Bluehawks Fairy
37.Sr Hunt Seat Equitation FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom
38.Futurity English Pleasure 39.Jr English Pleasure FDI Rebel Lady CH Monsoon
40.Sr English Pleasure Frost N' Smoke Midsummers Night Owl
41.Futurity English Equitation Sunshine Lullaby
42.Jr English Equitation FDI Rebel Lady CH First Love CH Monsoon
43.Sr English Equitation Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
44.Cross Rails Hunter (1' - 1'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Lady Aura Confusion
45.Short Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level II) Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna
46.Long Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level III) Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna
47.Hunter Hack (2' - 2'3, Level IV) Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Peach Blossom Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge CH First Love CH Ocean Storm
48.Pony Jumpers (2'3 - 2'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Quicksilver Mercury Dutchess of Aryn Capture The Spirit Powered By Fear Fire Bluehawks Fairy
49.Low Jumpers (2'6 - 2'9, Level II) Royal Buffette Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith Bristols Little Bandit
50.Mid-Level Jumpers (2'9 - 3'3, Level III) Angel In Gold No Luck Needed Peach Blossom High Hopes Filigree S Lady Of York CH Monsoon
51.High Jumpers (3'3 - 3'6, Level IV) Out of The Blue
52.Gamblers Choice (3'6 - 3'9, Level V) Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
53.Introductory Level Dressage Kickass Glitter
54.Training Level Dressage Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Capture The Spirit CH First Love
55.First Level Dressage Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dolled Up Rose Talisman Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith SAI Smokin Pistols High Hopes Filigree CH Monsoon Diamond High Showtime
56.Second Level Dressage Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Bristols Little Bandit
57.Third Level Dressage Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream Stone Princess Crimson Bristols S Lady Of York
58.Fourth Level Dressage American's Royal Beau
59.Prix St George Dressage 60.Intermediate I Dressage 61.Intermediate II Dressage 62.Grand Prix Dressage 63.Dressage Seat Equitation Diamond High Showtime
64.Freestyle Dressage Jr Horse Dolled Up Rose Talisman CH Monsoon
65.Freestyle Dressage Sr Horse Star Encore Stone Princess
66.Futurity Western Pleasure 67.Jr Western Pleasure Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade Angel In Waiting SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit Tills Gone RockHard Thomas
68.Sr Western Pleasure Bay B Boy CZ Pistols White Heat CZ Kryptoquote Midsummers Night Owl
69.Futurity Horsemanship 70.Jr Horsemanship Daisy Peponita SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit
71.Sr Horsemanship 72.Futurity Trail 73.Jr Trail Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit
74.Sr Trail Bay B Boy CZ Kryptoquote
75.Futurity Western Riding 76.Jr Western Riding Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit
77.Sr Western Riding Bay B Boy
78.Futurity Reining 79.Jr Reining Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
80.Sr Reining Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
81.Futurity Cutting 82.Jr Cutting Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
83.Sr Cutting Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
84.Futurity Calf Roping 85.Jr Calf Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
86.Sr Calf Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
87.Futurity Breakaway Roping 88.Jr Breakaway Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
89.Sr Breakaway Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
90.Futurity Working Cow Horse 91.Jr Working Cow Horse Red Hot Busy Bee
92.Sr Working Cow Horse Custom Martini S Lil Lynx
93.Futurity Barrel Racing S Pixie Stix
92.Jr Barrel Racing Ashwood Renegade
93.Sr Barrel Racing Precious Memories
94.Futurity Pole Bending S Pixie Stix
95.Jr Pole Bending 96.Sr Pole Bending Precious Memories
97.Futurity Pleasure Driving 98.Jr Pleasure Driving Quicksilver Mercury S Sheza Tough Rocket CH First Love CH Monsoon Fire Bluehawks Fairy
99.Sr Pleasure Driving Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dutchess of Aryn Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
100.Open Obstacle Driving 101.Open Cone Driving Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
102.Two Horse Team Driving (must have a two horse team to enter) Dutchess of Aryn & Quicksilver Mercury Diamond High Showtime & Fire Bluehawks Fairy
103.Four Horse Team Driving (must have a four horse team to enter Our Deliverance + Chocolate Drizzle + Vanilla Cream +Ice Cream
104.Jr Costume Smidge
105.Sr Costume Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
Post by winterpine on Jul 7, 2008 11:44:35 GMT -5
1.Weanling Colts Kumfumbled Art Detson Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise
2.Weanling Fillies FDI Assateague Surprise MS Royally Bewildered Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Pier One Roundabout's Disco Ball WB Torrential Love Roundabout's Stormy Pink
3.Yearling Colts GM Adonis FDI Ghostly Haunt Roundabout's Godzilla Johnson's Out N' About WB Cyclone Roundabout's Little Daredevil
4.Yearling Fillies Star Hierarchy Roundabout's Lady Crimson Glass Eyed Girl Lookatme Cool Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round S Black Suit Optional
5.2YO Colts Light O Grwbin Titanium Citizen
6.2YO Fillies Beadless Pretty Classy Hana Roundabouts Heatwave
Champion Colt: ResChampion Colt: Champion Filly: ResChampion Filly:
7.3YO Stallions
8.3YO Mares Sunshine Lullaby Golden Witha Twist Kickass Glitter Little Miss Honeysuckle S Pixie Stix
9.4YO Stallions Ashwood Renegade SAI Smokin Pistols Confusion RockHard Thomas
10.4YO Mares Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Red Athena Capture The Spirit Daisy Peponita Powered By Fear Zippo Pine Spree Lady Aura S Genuine Luck
11.5YO Stallions Downland Buzz Quicksilver Mercury Thornhills Locksmith Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Tills Gone
12.5YO Mares Royalty Black Magic Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Bavin Mythical Dreams Angel In Waiting S Sheza Tough Rocket S Lady Of York CH Free Spirit CH First Love Fire Bluehawks Fairy
13.6YO Stallions Black Death Sparks Double Disco SAI Fireman S Plaudit of Patty
14.6YO Mares Dolled Up Red Hot Busy Bee Rose Talisman Diamond High Showtime
Champion Jr Stallion: ResChampion Jr Stallion: Champion Jr Mare: ResChampion Jr Mare:
15.7YO Stallions Ice Cream Chocolate Drizzle Bay B Boy
16.7YO Mares Our Deliverance Vanilla Cream FDI Rebel Lady Star Encore Midsummers Night Owl S Lil Lynx
17.8YO Stallions Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Genuine Freckle
18.8YO Mares Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Peach Blossom Stone Princess Royal Buffette No Luck Needed CZ Kryptoquote Bristols Little Bandit S Mediterran Suntan
19.9YO Stallions 20.9YO Mares Ultimatiums Carolina's Wild Bird Custom Martini Kenwood's Owena Morwenna High Hopes Filigree
21.10 & Over Stallions FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Distinctive Kid Michaelanglo Plaudit Of Fire The Cream Mint Powyvalley Trooper York
22.10 - 14YO Mares The Secret Dream Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight Ceinwen Rhiannon Double Skippin Dee Out of The Blue Precious Memories Sailing Jane Zafiro's Moment At The Dock Dixie Harvest The Devil Master Story Teller Misty Ride Angel In Gold Shimmering Pink Im Peppermint Patty Two Miss Coppertone Pixie Dust Rusty Luck Cinderella Dragons Silver Heiress Free Of Personality Penelope Princess Bella Stately Glimpse Two Too Tango
23.15 & Over Mares Dutchess of Aryn Beauty Star Shiny Little Dudette
Champion Sr Stallion: ResChampion Sr Stallion: Champion Sr Mare: ResChampion Sr Mare:
24.Open Geldings Smidge
25.Get of Sire (2+ foals by same stallion) Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie, Roundabout's Little Daredevil and Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Lady Crimson and Roundabout's Pier One Bavin Mythical Dreams and Bavin Red Athena
26.Produce of Dam (2+ foals by same mare)
27.2 & Under Lunge Line Western Horse Pretty Classy Hana Lookatme Cool Roundabout's Disco Ball Roundabouts Heatwave
28.2 & Under Lunge Line English Horse Beadless Light O Grwbin Art Detson Glass Eyed Girl Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Lady Crimson Roundabout's Pier One S Black Suit Optional Roundabout's Little Daredevil Johnson's Out N' About Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round WB Cyclone WB Torrential Love Titanium Citizen
29.Futurity Showmanship Sunshine Lullaby
30.Jr Showmanship Bavin Jazz Lady Powered By Fear Smidge SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH First Love CH Monsoon RockHard Thomas
31.Sr Showmanship American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols Star Encore
32.Futurity Hunter Under Saddle
33.Jr Hunter Under Saddle S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty Royalty Black Magic Downland Buzz Black Death Deluxe Set-back Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman S Sheza Tough Rocket Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Confusion Tills Gone RockHard Thomas Fire Bluehawks Fairy
34.Sr Hunter Under Saddle Ultimatiums Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom
35.Futurity Hunt Seat Equitation 36.Jr Hunt Seat Equitation Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm Fire Bluehawks Fairy S Genuine Luck
37.Sr Hunt Seat Equitation FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom
38.Futurity English Pleasure 39.Jr English Pleasure FDI Rebel Lady CH Monsoon
40.Sr English Pleasure Frost N' Smoke Midsummers Night Owl
41.Futurity English Equitation Sunshine Lullaby
42.Jr English Equitation FDI Rebel Lady CH First Love CH Monsoon
43.Sr English Equitation Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
44.Cross Rails Hunter (1' - 1'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Lady Aura Confusion
45.Short Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level II) Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna
46.Long Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level III) Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna
47.Hunter Hack (2' - 2'3, Level IV) Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Peach Blossom Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge CH First Love CH Ocean Storm
48.Pony Jumpers (2'3 - 2'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Quicksilver Mercury Dutchess of Aryn Capture The Spirit Powered By Fear Fire Bluehawks Fairy
49.Low Jumpers (2'6 - 2'9, Level II) Royal Buffette Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith Bristols Little Bandit
50.Mid-Level Jumpers (2'9 - 3'3, Level III) Angel In Gold No Luck Needed Peach Blossom High Hopes Filigree S Lady Of York CH Monsoon
51.High Jumpers (3'3 - 3'6, Level IV) Out of The Blue
52.Gamblers Choice (3'6 - 3'9, Level V) Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
53.Introductory Level Dressage Kickass Glitter
54.Training Level Dressage Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Capture The Spirit CH First Love
55.First Level Dressage Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dolled Up Rose Talisman Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith SAI Smokin Pistols High Hopes Filigree CH Monsoon Diamond High Showtime
56.Second Level Dressage Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Bristols Little Bandit
57.Third Level Dressage Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream Stone Princess Crimson Bristols S Lady Of York
58.Fourth Level Dressage American's Royal Beau
59.Prix St George Dressage 60.Intermediate I Dressage 61.Intermediate II Dressage 62.Grand Prix Dressage 63.Dressage Seat Equitation Diamond High Showtime
64.Freestyle Dressage Jr Horse Dolled Up Rose Talisman CH Monsoon
65.Freestyle Dressage Sr Horse Star Encore Stone Princess
66.Futurity Western Pleasure 67.Jr Western Pleasure Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade Angel In Waiting SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit Tills Gone RockHard Thomas S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty
68.Sr Western Pleasure Bay B Boy CZ Pistols White Heat CZ Kryptoquote Midsummers Night Owl S Mediterran Suntan
69.Futurity Horsemanship 70.Jr Horsemanship Daisy Peponita SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck
71.Sr Horsemanship 72.Futurity Trail 73.Jr Trail Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck
74.Sr Trail Bay B Boy CZ Kryptoquote S Mediterran Suntan
75.Futurity Western Riding 76.Jr Western Riding Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck
77.Sr Western Riding Bay B Boy
78.Futurity Reining 79.Jr Reining Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
80.Sr Reining Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
81.Futurity Cutting 82.Jr Cutting Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
83.Sr Cutting Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
84.Futurity Calf Roping 85.Jr Calf Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
86.Sr Calf Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
87.Futurity Breakaway Roping 88.Jr Breakaway Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
89.Sr Breakaway Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
90.Futurity Working Cow Horse 91.Jr Working Cow Horse Red Hot Busy Bee
92.Sr Working Cow Horse Custom Martini S Lil Lynx
93.Futurity Barrel Racing S Pixie Stix
92.Jr Barrel Racing Ashwood Renegade
93.Sr Barrel Racing Precious Memories
94.Futurity Pole Bending S Pixie Stix
95.Jr Pole Bending 96.Sr Pole Bending Precious Memories
97.Futurity Pleasure Driving 98.Jr Pleasure Driving Quicksilver Mercury S Sheza Tough Rocket CH First Love CH Monsoon Fire Bluehawks Fairy
99.Sr Pleasure Driving Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dutchess of Aryn Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
100.Open Obstacle Driving 101.Open Cone Driving Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
102.Two Horse Team Driving (must have a two horse team to enter) Dutchess of Aryn & Quicksilver Mercury Diamond High Showtime & Fire Bluehawks Fairy
103.Four Horse Team Driving (must have a four horse team to enter Our Deliverance + Chocolate Drizzle + Vanilla Cream +Ice Cream
104.Jr Costume Smidge
105.Sr Costume Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
Post by nerith on Jul 8, 2008 9:17:30 GMT -5
1.Weanling Colts Kumfumbled Art Detson Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise
2.Weanling Fillies FDI Assateague Surprise MS Royally Bewildered Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Pier One Roundabout's Disco Ball WB Torrential Love Roundabout's Stormy Pink
3.Yearling Colts GM Adonis FDI Ghostly Haunt Roundabout's Godzilla Johnson's Out N' About WB Cyclone Roundabout's Little Daredevil
4.Yearling Fillies Star Hierarchy Roundabout's Lady Crimson Glass Eyed Girl Lookatme Cool Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round S Black Suit Optional
5.2YO Colts Light O Grwbin Titanium Citizen
6.2YO Fillies Beadless Pretty Classy Hana Roundabouts Heatwave
Champion Colt: ResChampion Colt: Champion Filly: ResChampion Filly:
7.3YO Stallions
8.3YO Mares Sunshine Lullaby Golden Witha Twist Kickass Glitter Little Miss Honeysuckle S Pixie Stix
9.4YO Stallions Ashwood Renegade SAI Smokin Pistols Confusion RockHard Thomas
10.4YO Mares Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Red Athena Capture The Spirit Daisy Peponita Powered By Fear Zippo Pine Spree Lady Aura S Genuine Luck
11.5YO Stallions Downland Buzz Quicksilver Mercury Thornhills Locksmith Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Tills Gone
12.5YO Mares Royalty Black Magic Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Bavin Mythical Dreams Angel In Waiting S Sheza Tough Rocket S Lady Of York CH Free Spirit CH First Love Fire Bluehawks Fairy
13.6YO Stallions Black Death Sparks Double Disco SAI Fireman S Plaudit of Patty
14.6YO Mares Dolled Up Red Hot Busy Bee Rose Talisman Diamond High Showtime
Champion Jr Stallion: ResChampion Jr Stallion: Champion Jr Mare: ResChampion Jr Mare:
15.7YO Stallions Ice Cream Chocolate Drizzle Bay B Boy
16.7YO Mares Our Deliverance Vanilla Cream FDI Rebel Lady Star Encore Midsummers Night Owl S Lil Lynx
17.8YO Stallions Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Genuine Freckle
18.8YO Mares Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Peach Blossom Stone Princess Royal Buffette No Luck Needed CZ Kryptoquote Bristols Little Bandit S Mediterran Suntan L.E. Luana
19.9YO Stallions 20.9YO Mares Ultimatiums Carolina's Wild Bird Custom Martini Kenwood's Owena Morwenna High Hopes Filigree
21.10 & Over Stallions FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Distinctive Kid Michaelanglo Plaudit Of Fire The Cream Mint Powyvalley Trooper York
22.10 - 14YO Mares The Secret Dream Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight Ceinwen Rhiannon Double Skippin Dee Out of The Blue Precious Memories Sailing Jane Zafiro's Moment At The Dock Dixie Harvest The Devil Master Story Teller Misty Ride Angel In Gold Shimmering Pink Im Peppermint Patty Two Miss Coppertone Pixie Dust Rusty Luck Cinderella Dragons Silver Heiress Free Of Personality Penelope Princess Bella Stately Glimpse Two Too Tango
23.15 & Over Mares Dutchess of Aryn Beauty Star Shiny Little Dudette
Champion Sr Stallion: ResChampion Sr Stallion: Champion Sr Mare: ResChampion Sr Mare:
24.Open Geldings Smidge
25.Get of Sire (2+ foals by same stallion) Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie, Roundabout's Little Daredevil and Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Lady Crimson and Roundabout's Pier One Bavin Mythical Dreams and Bavin Red Athena
26.Produce of Dam (2+ foals by same mare)
27.2 & Under Lunge Line Western Horse Pretty Classy Hana Lookatme Cool Roundabout's Disco Ball Roundabouts Heatwave
28.2 & Under Lunge Line English Horse Beadless Light O Grwbin Art Detson Glass Eyed Girl Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Lady Crimson Roundabout's Pier One S Black Suit Optional Roundabout's Little Daredevil Johnson's Out N' About Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round WB Cyclone WB Torrential Love Titanium Citizen
29.Futurity Showmanship Sunshine Lullaby
30.Jr Showmanship Bavin Jazz Lady Powered By Fear Smidge SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH First Love CH Monsoon RockHard Thomas
31.Sr Showmanship American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols Star Encore L.E. Luana
32.Futurity Hunter Under Saddle
33.Jr Hunter Under Saddle S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty Royalty Black Magic Downland Buzz Black Death Deluxe Set-back Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman S Sheza Tough Rocket Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Confusion Tills Gone RockHard Thomas Fire Bluehawks Fairy
34.Sr Hunter Under Saddle Ultimatiums Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom
35.Futurity Hunt Seat Equitation 36.Jr Hunt Seat Equitation Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm Fire Bluehawks Fairy S Genuine Luck
37.Sr Hunt Seat Equitation FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom
38.Futurity English Pleasure 39.Jr English Pleasure FDI Rebel Lady CH Monsoon
40.Sr English Pleasure Frost N' Smoke Midsummers Night Owl
41.Futurity English Equitation Sunshine Lullaby
42.Jr English Equitation FDI Rebel Lady CH First Love CH Monsoon
43.Sr English Equitation Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
44.Cross Rails Hunter (1' - 1'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Lady Aura Confusion
45.Short Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level II) Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna
46.Long Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level III) Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna
47.Hunter Hack (2' - 2'3, Level IV) Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Peach Blossom Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge CH First Love CH Ocean Storm
48.Pony Jumpers (2'3 - 2'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Quicksilver Mercury Dutchess of Aryn Capture The Spirit Powered By Fear Fire Bluehawks Fairy
49.Low Jumpers (2'6 - 2'9, Level II) Royal Buffette Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith Bristols Little Bandit
50.Mid-Level Jumpers (2'9 - 3'3, Level III) Angel In Gold No Luck Needed Peach Blossom High Hopes Filigree S Lady Of York CH Monsoon
51.High Jumpers (3'3 - 3'6, Level IV) Out of The Blue L.E. Luana
52.Gamblers Choice (3'6 - 3'9, Level V) Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream L.E. Luana
53.Introductory Level Dressage Kickass Glitter
54.Training Level Dressage Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Capture The Spirit CH First Love
55.First Level Dressage Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dolled Up Rose Talisman Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith SAI Smokin Pistols High Hopes Filigree CH Monsoon Diamond High Showtime
56.Second Level Dressage Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Bristols Little Bandit L.E. Luana
57.Third Level Dressage Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream Stone Princess Crimson Bristols S Lady Of York
58.Fourth Level Dressage American's Royal Beau
59.Prix St George Dressage 60.Intermediate I Dressage 61.Intermediate II Dressage 62.Grand Prix Dressage 63.Dressage Seat Equitation Diamond High Showtime
64.Freestyle Dressage Jr Horse Dolled Up Rose Talisman CH Monsoon
65.Freestyle Dressage Sr Horse Star Encore Stone Princess
66.Futurity Western Pleasure 67.Jr Western Pleasure Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade Angel In Waiting SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit Tills Gone RockHard Thomas S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty
68.Sr Western Pleasure Bay B Boy CZ Pistols White Heat CZ Kryptoquote Midsummers Night Owl S Mediterran Suntan
69.Futurity Horsemanship 70.Jr Horsemanship Daisy Peponita SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck
71.Sr Horsemanship 72.Futurity Trail 73.Jr Trail Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck
74.Sr Trail Bay B Boy CZ Kryptoquote S Mediterran Suntan
75.Futurity Western Riding 76.Jr Western Riding Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck
77.Sr Western Riding Bay B Boy
78.Futurity Reining 79.Jr Reining Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
80.Sr Reining Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
81.Futurity Cutting 82.Jr Cutting Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
83.Sr Cutting Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
84.Futurity Calf Roping 85.Jr Calf Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
86.Sr Calf Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
87.Futurity Breakaway Roping 88.Jr Breakaway Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
89.Sr Breakaway Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
90.Futurity Working Cow Horse 91.Jr Working Cow Horse Red Hot Busy Bee
92.Sr Working Cow Horse Custom Martini S Lil Lynx
93.Futurity Barrel Racing S Pixie Stix
92.Jr Barrel Racing Ashwood Renegade
93.Sr Barrel Racing Precious Memories
94.Futurity Pole Bending S Pixie Stix
95.Jr Pole Bending 96.Sr Pole Bending Precious Memories
97.Futurity Pleasure Driving 98.Jr Pleasure Driving Quicksilver Mercury S Sheza Tough Rocket CH First Love CH Monsoon Fire Bluehawks Fairy
99.Sr Pleasure Driving Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dutchess of Aryn Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
100.Open Obstacle Driving 101.Open Cone Driving Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
102.Two Horse Team Driving (must have a two horse team to enter) Dutchess of Aryn & Quicksilver Mercury Diamond High Showtime & Fire Bluehawks Fairy
103.Four Horse Team Driving (must have a four horse team to enter Our Deliverance + Chocolate Drizzle + Vanilla Cream +Ice Cream
104.Jr Costume Smidge
105.Sr Costume Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
Post by smosporthorses on Jul 9, 2008 11:08:05 GMT -5
1.Weanling Colts Kumfumbled Art Detson Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise
2.Weanling Fillies FDI Assateague Surprise MS Royally Bewildered Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Pier One Roundabout's Disco Ball WB Torrential Love Roundabout's Stormy Pink Aysel Cadhla
3.Yearling Colts GM Adonis FDI Ghostly Haunt Roundabout's Godzilla Johnson's Out N' About WB Cyclone Roundabout's Little Daredevil Aysel Sirius Aysel Whitby Aysel Chelan
4.Yearling Fillies Star Hierarchy Roundabout's Lady Crimson Glass Eyed Girl Lookatme Cool Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round S Black Suit Optional Star Dahlia Aysel Aislinn Aysel Gesine Aysel Briony Aysel Rhoswen
5.2YO Colts Light O Grwbin Titanium Citizen Aysel Skee Doo Aysel Apollo
6.2YO Fillies Beadless Pretty Classy Hana Roundabouts Heatwave Aysel Wood Fae
Champion Colt: ResChampion Colt: Champion Filly: ResChampion Filly:
7.3YO Stallions
8.3YO Mares Sunshine Lullaby Golden Witha Twist Kickass Glitter Little Miss Honeysuckle S Pixie Stix Ormanda of Everest
9.4YO Stallions Ashwood Renegade SAI Smokin Pistols Confusion RockHard Thomas
10.4YO Mares Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Red Athena Capture The Spirit Daisy Peponita Powered By Fear Zippo Pine Spree Lady Aura S Genuine Luck Aysel Moon S Smokin Hot
11.5YO Stallions Downland Buzz Quicksilver Mercury Thornhills Locksmith Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Tills Gone
12.5YO Mares Royalty Black Magic Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Bavin Mythical Dreams Angel In Waiting S Sheza Tough Rocket S Lady Of York CH Free Spirit CH First Love Fire Bluehawks Fairy Rosmel Merry Mardi
13.6YO Stallions Black Death Sparks Double Disco SAI Fireman S Plaudit of Patty Grey Haven Roluck
14.6YO Mares Dolled Up Red Hot Busy Bee Rose Talisman Diamond High Showtime Aderyn Hafwen
Champion Jr Stallion: ResChampion Jr Stallion: Champion Jr Mare: ResChampion Jr Mare:
15.7YO Stallions Ice Cream Chocolate Drizzle Bay B Boy
16.7YO Mares Our Deliverance Vanilla Cream FDI Rebel Lady Star Encore Midsummers Night Owl S Lil Lynx Secret Treasure Sea Breeze
17.8YO Stallions Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Genuine Freckle Scorpio Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
18.8YO Mares Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Peach Blossom Stone Princess Royal Buffette No Luck Needed CZ Kryptoquote Bristols Little Bandit S Mediterran Suntan L.E. Luana Moondreamer
19.9YO Stallions Applewitch Manic Panic
20.9YO Mares Ultimatiums Carolina's Wild Bird Custom Martini Kenwood's Owena Morwenna High Hopes Filigree Skellorn Chantilly Hera
21.10 & Over Stallions FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Distinctive Kid Michaelanglo Plaudit Of Fire The Cream Mint Powyvalley Trooper York 21.10 & Over Stallions One Tough Twist SAI Friar's Son
22.10 - 14YO Mares The Secret Dream Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight Ceinwen Rhiannon Double Skippin Dee Out of The Blue Precious Memories Sailing Jane Zafiro's Moment At The Dock Dixie Harvest The Devil Master Story Teller Misty Ride Angel In Gold Shimmering Pink Im Peppermint Patty Two Miss Coppertone Pixie Dust Rusty Luck Cinderella Dragons Silver Heiress Free Of Personality Penelope Princess Bella Stately Glimpse Two Too Tango Ginger Lily Sweet Silver Power SAI Western Glimmer Hobby Horses Gold Sand Forest Hill Star Gazer Glenormiston Mistella
23.15 & Over Mares Dutchess of Aryn Beauty Star Shiny Little Dudette
Champion Sr Stallion: ResChampion Sr Stallion: Champion Sr Mare: ResChampion Sr Mare:
24.Open Geldings Smidge
25.Get of Sire (2+ foals by same stallion) Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie, Roundabout's Little Daredevil and Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Lady Crimson and Roundabout's Pier One Bavin Mythical Dreams and Bavin Red Athena Aysel Aislinn & Aysel Sirius Aysel Briony & Aysel Whitby
26.Produce of Dam (2+ foals by same mare) Aysel Wood Fae & Aysel Briony Aysel Skee Doo & Aysel Chelan & Aysel Cadhla Ormanda of Everest & Aysel Apollo
27.2 & Under Lunge Line Western Horse Pretty Classy Hana Lookatme Cool Roundabout's Disco Ball Roundabouts Heatwave
28.2 & Under Lunge Line English Horse Beadless Light O Grwbin Art Detson Glass Eyed Girl Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Lady Crimson Roundabout's Pier One S Black Suit Optional Roundabout's Little Daredevil Johnson's Out N' About Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round WB Cyclone WB Torrential Love Titanium Citizen Aysel Rhoswen Aysel Chelan Aysel Gesine Star Dahlia Aysel Cadhla
29.Futurity Showmanship Sunshine Lullaby Ormanda of Everest
30.Jr Showmanship Bavin Jazz Lady Powered By Fear Smidge SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH First Love CH Monsoon RockHard Thomas
31.Sr Showmanship American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols Star Encore L.E. Luana
32.Futurity Hunter Under Saddle Ormanda of Everest
33.Jr Hunter Under Saddle S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty Royalty Black Magic Downland Buzz Black Death Deluxe Set-back Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman S Sheza Tough Rocket Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Confusion Tills Gone RockHard Thomas Fire Bluehawks Fairy Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi
34.Sr Hunter Under Saddle Ultimatiums Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom Skellorn Chantilly Hera Secret Treasure Sea Breeze Scorpio SAI Friar's Son
35.Futurity Hunt Seat Equitation Ormanda of Everest
36.Jr Hunt Seat Equitation Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm Fire Bluehawks Fairy S Genuine Luck Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi
37.Sr Hunt Seat Equitation FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom Scorpio SAI Friar's Son SAI Western Glimmer Hobby Horses Gold Sand Glenormiston Mistella
38.Futurity English Pleasure 39.Jr English Pleasure FDI Rebel Lady CH Monsoon
40.Sr English Pleasure Frost N' Smoke Midsummers Night Owl
41.Futurity English Equitation Sunshine Lullaby
42.Jr English Equitation FDI Rebel Lady CH First Love CH Monsoon
43.Sr English Equitation Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
44.Cross Rails Hunter (1' - 1'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Lady Aura Confusion
45.Short Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level II) Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi
46.Long Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level III) Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Hobby Horses Gold Sand SAI Western Glimmer
47.Hunter Hack (2' - 2'3, Level IV) Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Peach Blossom Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge CH First Love CH Ocean Storm Scorpio SAI Friar's Son Skellorn Chantilly Hera Secret Treasure Sea Breeze Glenormiston Mistella
48.Pony Jumpers (2'3 - 2'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Quicksilver Mercury Dutchess of Aryn Capture The Spirit Powered By Fear Fire Bluehawks Fairy One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer
49.Low Jumpers (2'6 - 2'9, Level II) Royal Buffette Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith Bristols Little Bandit
50.Mid-Level Jumpers (2'9 - 3'3, Level III) Angel In Gold No Luck Needed Peach Blossom High Hopes Filigree S Lady Of York CH Monsoon Grey Haven Roluck
51.High Jumpers (3'3 - 3'6, Level IV) Out of The Blue L.E. Luana Ginger Lily Applewitch Manci Panic Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
52.Gamblers Choice (3'6 - 3'9, Level V) Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream L.E. Luana Moondreamer
53.Introductory Level Dressage Kickass Glitter
54.Training Level Dressage Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Capture The Spirit CH First Love One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer Sweet Silver Power
55.First Level Dressage Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dolled Up Rose Talisman Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith SAI Smokin Pistols High Hopes Filigree CH Monsoon Diamond High Showtime Ginger Lily Applewitch Manic Panic Grey Haven Roluck
56.Second Level Dressage Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Bristols Little Bandit L.E. Luana Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
57.Third Level Dressage Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream Stone Princess Crimson Bristols S Lady Of York
58.Fourth Level Dressage American's Royal Beau
59.Prix St George Dressage 60.Intermediate I Dressage 61.Intermediate II Dressage 62.Grand Prix Dressage 63.Dressage Seat Equitation Diamond High Showtime
64.Freestyle Dressage Jr Horse Dolled Up Rose Talisman CH Monsoon Grey Haven Roluck
65.Freestyle Dressage Sr Horse Star Encore Stone Princess One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer Sweet Silver Power Ginger Lily Applewitch Manic Panic
66.Futurity Western Pleasure 67.Jr Western Pleasure Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade Angel In Waiting SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit Tills Gone RockHard Thomas S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty S Smokin Hot
68.Sr Western Pleasure Bay B Boy CZ Pistols White Heat CZ Kryptoquote Midsummers Night Owl S Mediterran Suntan
69.Futurity Horsemanship 70.Jr Horsemanship Daisy Peponita SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
71.Sr Horsemanship 72.Futurity Trail 73.Jr Trail Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
74.Sr Trail Bay B Boy CZ Kryptoquote S Mediterran Suntan
75.Futurity Western Riding 76.Jr Western Riding Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
77.Sr Western Riding Bay B Boy
78.Futurity Reining 79.Jr Reining Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
80.Sr Reining Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
81.Futurity Cutting 82.Jr Cutting Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
83.Sr Cutting Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
84.Futurity Calf Roping 85.Jr Calf Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
86.Sr Calf Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
87.Futurity Breakaway Roping 88.Jr Breakaway Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
89.Sr Breakaway Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
90.Futurity Working Cow Horse 91.Jr Working Cow Horse Red Hot Busy Bee
92.Sr Working Cow Horse Custom Martini S Lil Lynx
93.Futurity Barrel Racing S Pixie Stix
92.Jr Barrel Racing Ashwood Renegade
93.Sr Barrel Racing Precious Memories
94.Futurity Pole Bending S Pixie Stix
95.Jr Pole Bending 96.Sr Pole Bending Precious Memories
97.Futurity Pleasure Driving 98.Jr Pleasure Driving Quicksilver Mercury S Sheza Tough Rocket CH First Love CH Monsoon Fire Bluehawks Fairy
99.Sr Pleasure Driving Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dutchess of Aryn Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Sweet Silver Power Glenormiston Mistella Hobby Horses Gold Sand
100.Open Obstacle Driving Sweet Silver Power Glenormiston Mistella Hobby Horses Gold Sand
101.Open Cone Driving Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
102.Two Horse Team Driving (must have a two horse team to enter) Dutchess of Aryn & Quicksilver Mercury Diamond High Showtime & Fire Bluehawks Fairy
103.Four Horse Team Driving (must have a four horse team to enter Our Deliverance + Chocolate Drizzle + Vanilla Cream +Ice Cream
104.Jr Costume Smidge
105.Sr Costume Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
Post by lockettfarms on Jul 11, 2008 14:33:29 GMT -5
1.Weanling Colts Kumfumbled Art Detson Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise
2.Weanling Fillies FDI Assateague Surprise MS Royally Bewildered Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Pier One Roundabout's Disco Ball WB Torrential Love Roundabout's Stormy Pink Aysel Cadhla
3.Yearling Colts GM Adonis FDI Ghostly Haunt Roundabout's Godzilla Johnson's Out N' About WB Cyclone Roundabout's Little Daredevil Aysel Sirius Aysel Whitby Aysel Chelan
4.Yearling Fillies Star Hierarchy Roundabout's Lady Crimson Glass Eyed Girl Lookatme Cool Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round S Black Suit Optional Star Dahlia Aysel Aislinn Aysel Gesine Aysel Briony Aysel Rhoswen
5.2YO Colts Light O Grwbin Titanium Citizen Aysel Skee Doo Aysel Apollo
6.2YO Fillies Beadless Pretty Classy Hana Roundabouts Heatwave Aysel Wood Fae
Champion Colt: ResChampion Colt: Champion Filly: ResChampion Filly:
7.3YO Stallions
8.3YO Mares Sunshine Lullaby Golden Witha Twist Kickass Glitter Little Miss Honeysuckle S Pixie Stix Ormanda of Everest
9.4YO Stallions Ashwood Renegade SAI Smokin Pistols Confusion RockHard Thomas
10.4YO Mares Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Red Athena Capture The Spirit Daisy Peponita Powered By Fear Zippo Pine Spree Lady Aura S Genuine Luck Aysel Moon S Smokin Hot
11.5YO Stallions Downland Buzz Quicksilver Mercury Thornhills Locksmith Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Tills Gone
12.5YO Mares Royalty Black Magic Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Bavin Mythical Dreams Angel In Waiting S Sheza Tough Rocket S Lady Of York CH Free Spirit CH First Love Fire Bluehawks Fairy Rosmel Merry Mardi
13.6YO Stallions Black Death Sparks Double Disco SAI Fireman S Plaudit of Patty Grey Haven Roluck
14.6YO Mares Dolled Up Red Hot Busy Bee Rose Talisman Diamond High Showtime Aderyn Hafwen
Champion Jr Stallion: ResChampion Jr Stallion: Champion Jr Mare: ResChampion Jr Mare:
15.7YO Stallions Ice Cream Chocolate Drizzle Bay B Boy
16.7YO Mares Our Deliverance Vanilla Cream FDI Rebel Lady Star Encore Midsummers Night Owl S Lil Lynx Secret Treasure Sea Breeze
17.8YO Stallions Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Genuine Freckle Scorpio Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
18.8YO Mares Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Peach Blossom Stone Princess Royal Buffette No Luck Needed CZ Kryptoquote Bristols Little Bandit S Mediterran Suntan L.E. Luana Moondreamer
19.9YO Stallions Applewitch Manic Panic
20.9YO Mares Ultimatiums Carolina's Wild Bird Custom Martini Kenwood's Owena Morwenna High Hopes Filigree Skellorn Chantilly Hera
21.10 & Over Stallions FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Distinctive Kid Michaelanglo Plaudit Of Fire The Cream Mint Powyvalley Trooper York 21.10 & Over Stallions One Tough Twist SAI Friar's Son
22.10 - 14YO Mares The Secret Dream Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight Ceinwen Rhiannon Double Skippin Dee Out of The Blue Precious Memories Sailing Jane Zafiro's Moment At The Dock Dixie Harvest The Devil Master Story Teller Misty Ride Angel In Gold Shimmering Pink Im Peppermint Patty Two Miss Coppertone Pixie Dust Rusty Luck Cinderella Dragons Silver Heiress Free Of Personality Penelope Princess Bella Stately Glimpse Two Too Tango Ginger Lily Sweet Silver Power SAI Western Glimmer Hobby Horses Gold Sand Forest Hill Star Gazer Glenormiston Mistella
23.15 & Over Mares Dutchess of Aryn Beauty Star Shiny Little Dudette
Champion Sr Stallion: ResChampion Sr Stallion: Champion Sr Mare: ResChampion Sr Mare:
24.Open Geldings Smidge Steamy Windows Shameless
25.Get of Sire (2+ foals by same stallion) Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie, Roundabout's Little Daredevil and Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Lady Crimson and Roundabout's Pier One Bavin Mythical Dreams and Bavin Red Athena Aysel Aislinn & Aysel Sirius Aysel Briony & Aysel Whitby
26.Produce of Dam (2+ foals by same mare) Aysel Wood Fae & Aysel Briony Aysel Skee Doo & Aysel Chelan & Aysel Cadhla Ormanda of Everest & Aysel Apollo
27.2 & Under Lunge Line Western Horse Pretty Classy Hana Lookatme Cool Roundabout's Disco Ball Roundabouts Heatwave
28.2 & Under Lunge Line English Horse Beadless Light O Grwbin Art Detson Glass Eyed Girl Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Lady Crimson Roundabout's Pier One S Black Suit Optional Roundabout's Little Daredevil Johnson's Out N' About Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round WB Cyclone WB Torrential Love Titanium Citizen Aysel Rhoswen Aysel Chelan Aysel Gesine Star Dahlia Aysel Cadhla
29.Futurity Showmanship Sunshine Lullaby Ormanda of Everest
30.Jr Showmanship Bavin Jazz Lady Powered By Fear Smidge SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH First Love CH Monsoon RockHard Thomas
31.Sr Showmanship American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols Star Encore L.E. Luana
32.Futurity Hunter Under Saddle Ormanda of Everest
33.Jr Hunter Under Saddle S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty Royalty Black Magic Downland Buzz Black Death Deluxe Set-back Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman S Sheza Tough Rocket Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Confusion Tills Gone RockHard Thomas Fire Bluehawks Fairy Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi Steamy Windows Shameless
34.Sr Hunter Under Saddle Ultimatiums Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom Skellorn Chantilly Hera Secret Treasure Sea Breeze Scorpio SAI Friar's Son
35.Futurity Hunt Seat Equitation Ormanda of Everest
36.Jr Hunt Seat Equitation Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm Fire Bluehawks Fairy S Genuine Luck Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi Shameless
37.Sr Hunt Seat Equitation FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom Scorpio SAI Friar's Son SAI Western Glimmer Hobby Horses Gold Sand Glenormiston Mistella
38.Futurity English Pleasure 39.Jr English Pleasure FDI Rebel Lady CH Monsoon
40.Sr English Pleasure Frost N' Smoke Midsummers Night Owl
41.Futurity English Equitation Sunshine Lullaby
42.Jr English Equitation FDI Rebel Lady CH First Love CH Monsoon
43.Sr English Equitation Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
44.Cross Rails Hunter (1' - 1'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Lady Aura Confusion Steamy Windows Shameless
45.Short Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level II) Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi
46.Long Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level III) Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Hobby Horses Gold Sand SAI Western Glimmer
47.Hunter Hack (2' - 2'3, Level IV) Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Peach Blossom Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge CH First Love CH Ocean Storm Scorpio SAI Friar's Son Skellorn Chantilly Hera Secret Treasure Sea Breeze Glenormiston Mistella
48.Pony Jumpers (2'3 - 2'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Quicksilver Mercury Dutchess of Aryn Capture The Spirit Powered By Fear Fire Bluehawks Fairy One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer
49.Low Jumpers (2'6 - 2'9, Level II) Royal Buffette Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith Bristols Little Bandit
50.Mid-Level Jumpers (2'9 - 3'3, Level III) Angel In Gold No Luck Needed Peach Blossom High Hopes Filigree S Lady Of York CH Monsoon Grey Haven Roluck
51.High Jumpers (3'3 - 3'6, Level IV) Out of The Blue L.E. Luana Ginger Lily Applewitch Manci Panic Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
52.Gamblers Choice (3'6 - 3'9, Level V) Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream L.E. Luana Moondreamer
53.Introductory Level Dressage Kickass Glitter Steamy Windows
54.Training Level Dressage Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Capture The Spirit CH First Love One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer Sweet Silver Power
55.First Level Dressage Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dolled Up Rose Talisman Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith SAI Smokin Pistols High Hopes Filigree CH Monsoon Diamond High Showtime Ginger Lily Applewitch Manic Panic Grey Haven Roluck
56.Second Level Dressage Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Bristols Little Bandit L.E. Luana Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
57.Third Level Dressage Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream Stone Princess Crimson Bristols S Lady Of York
58.Fourth Level Dressage American's Royal Beau
59.Prix St George Dressage 60.Intermediate I Dressage 61.Intermediate II Dressage 62.Grand Prix Dressage 63.Dressage Seat Equitation Diamond High Showtime
64.Freestyle Dressage Jr Horse Dolled Up Rose Talisman CH Monsoon Grey Haven Roluck
65.Freestyle Dressage Sr Horse Star Encore Stone Princess One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer Sweet Silver Power Ginger Lily Applewitch Manic Panic
66.Futurity Western Pleasure 67.Jr Western Pleasure Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade Angel In Waiting SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit Tills Gone RockHard Thomas S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty S Smokin Hot
68.Sr Western Pleasure Bay B Boy CZ Pistols White Heat CZ Kryptoquote Midsummers Night Owl S Mediterran Suntan
69.Futurity Horsemanship 70.Jr Horsemanship Daisy Peponita SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
71.Sr Horsemanship 72.Futurity Trail 73.Jr Trail Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
74.Sr Trail Bay B Boy CZ Kryptoquote S Mediterran Suntan
75.Futurity Western Riding 76.Jr Western Riding Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
77.Sr Western Riding Bay B Boy
78.Futurity Reining 79.Jr Reining Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
80.Sr Reining Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
81.Futurity Cutting 82.Jr Cutting Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
83.Sr Cutting Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
84.Futurity Calf Roping 85.Jr Calf Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
86.Sr Calf Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
87.Futurity Breakaway Roping 88.Jr Breakaway Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
89.Sr Breakaway Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
90.Futurity Working Cow Horse 91.Jr Working Cow Horse Red Hot Busy Bee
92.Sr Working Cow Horse Custom Martini S Lil Lynx
93.Futurity Barrel Racing S Pixie Stix
92.Jr Barrel Racing Ashwood Renegade
93.Sr Barrel Racing Precious Memories
94.Futurity Pole Bending S Pixie Stix
95.Jr Pole Bending 96.Sr Pole Bending Precious Memories
97.Futurity Pleasure Driving 98.Jr Pleasure Driving Quicksilver Mercury S Sheza Tough Rocket CH First Love CH Monsoon Fire Bluehawks Fairy
99.Sr Pleasure Driving Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dutchess of Aryn Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Sweet Silver Power Glenormiston Mistella Hobby Horses Gold Sand
100.Open Obstacle Driving Sweet Silver Power Glenormiston Mistella Hobby Horses Gold Sand
101.Open Cone Driving Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
102.Two Horse Team Driving (must have a two horse team to enter) Dutchess of Aryn & Quicksilver Mercury Diamond High Showtime & Fire Bluehawks Fairy
103.Four Horse Team Driving (must have a four horse team to enter Our Deliverance + Chocolate Drizzle + Vanilla Cream +Ice Cream
104.Jr Costume Smidge
105.Sr Costume Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette
Post by lily on Jul 12, 2008 9:38:51 GMT -5
1.Weanling Colts Kumfumbled Art Detson Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise
2.Weanling Fillies FDI Assateague Surprise MS Royally Bewildered Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Pier One Roundabout's Disco Ball WB Torrential Love Roundabout's Stormy Pink Aysel Cadhla
3.Yearling Colts GM Adonis FDI Ghostly Haunt Roundabout's Godzilla Johnson's Out N' About WB Cyclone Roundabout's Little Daredevil Aysel Sirius Aysel Whitby Aysel Chelan
4.Yearling Fillies Star Hierarchy Roundabout's Lady Crimson Glass Eyed Girl Lookatme Cool Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round S Black Suit Optional Star Dahlia Aysel Aislinn Aysel Gesine Aysel Briony Aysel Rhoswen Forget Me Not
5.2YO Colts Light O Grwbin Titanium Citizen Aysel Skee Doo Aysel Apollo
6.2YO Fillies Beadless Pretty Classy Hana Roundabouts Heatwave Aysel Wood Fae
Champion Colt: ResChampion Colt: Champion Filly: ResChampion Filly:
7.3YO Stallions
8.3YO Mares Sunshine Lullaby Golden Witha Twist Kickass Glitter Little Miss Honeysuckle S Pixie Stix Ormanda of Everest Cornerstones Ability
9.4YO Stallions Ashwood Renegade SAI Smokin Pistols Confusion RockHard Thomas
10.4YO Mares Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Red Athena Capture The Spirit Daisy Peponita Powered By Fear Zippo Pine Spree Lady Aura S Genuine Luck Aysel Moon S Smokin Hot
11.5YO Stallions Downland Buzz Quicksilver Mercury Thornhills Locksmith Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Tills Gone
12.5YO Mares Royalty Black Magic Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Bavin Mythical Dreams Angel In Waiting S Sheza Tough Rocket S Lady Of York CH Free Spirit CH First Love Fire Bluehawks Fairy Rosmel Merry Mardi
13.6YO Stallions Black Death Sparks Double Disco SAI Fireman S Plaudit of Patty Grey Haven Roluck
14.6YO Mares Dolled Up Red Hot Busy Bee Rose Talisman Diamond High Showtime Aderyn Hafwen
Champion Jr Stallion: ResChampion Jr Stallion: Champion Jr Mare: ResChampion Jr Mare:
15.7YO Stallions Ice Cream Chocolate Drizzle Bay B Boy
16.7YO Mares Our Deliverance Vanilla Cream FDI Rebel Lady Star Encore Midsummers Night Owl S Lil Lynx Secret Treasure Sea Breeze
17.8YO Stallions Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Genuine Freckle Scorpio Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
18.8YO Mares Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Peach Blossom Stone Princess Royal Buffette No Luck Needed CZ Kryptoquote Bristols Little Bandit S Mediterran Suntan L.E. Luana Moondreamer
19.9YO Stallions Applewitch Manic Panic
20.9YO Mares Ultimatiums Carolina's Wild Bird Custom Martini Kenwood's Owena Morwenna High Hopes Filigree Skellorn Chantilly Hera
21.10 & Over Stallions FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Distinctive Kid Michaelanglo Plaudit Of Fire The Cream Mint Powyvalley Trooper York 21.10 & Over Stallions One Tough Twist SAI Friar's Son
22.10 - 14YO Mares The Secret Dream Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight Ceinwen Rhiannon Double Skippin Dee Out of The Blue Precious Memories Sailing Jane Zafiro's Moment At The Dock Dixie Harvest The Devil Master Story Teller Misty Ride Angel In Gold Shimmering Pink Im Peppermint Patty Two Miss Coppertone Pixie Dust Rusty Luck Cinderella Dragons Silver Heiress Free Of Personality Penelope Princess Bella Stately Glimpse Two Too Tango Ginger Lily Sweet Silver Power SAI Western Glimmer Hobby Horses Gold Sand Forest Hill Star Gazer Glenormiston Mistella
23.15 & Over Mares Dutchess of Aryn Beauty Star Shiny Little Dudette
Champion Sr Stallion: ResChampion Sr Stallion: Champion Sr Mare: ResChampion Sr Mare:
24.Open Geldings Smidge Steamy Windows Shameless
25.Get of Sire (2+ foals by same stallion) Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie, Roundabout's Little Daredevil and Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Lady Crimson and Roundabout's Pier One Bavin Mythical Dreams and Bavin Red Athena Aysel Aislinn & Aysel Sirius Aysel Briony & Aysel Whitby
26.Produce of Dam (2+ foals by same mare) Aysel Wood Fae & Aysel Briony Aysel Skee Doo & Aysel Chelan & Aysel Cadhla Ormanda of Everest & Aysel Apollo
27.2 & Under Lunge Line Western Horse Pretty Classy Hana Lookatme Cool Roundabout's Disco Ball Roundabouts Heatwave
28.2 & Under Lunge Line English Horse Beadless Light O Grwbin Art Detson Glass Eyed Girl Roundabout's Bestarred Roundabout's Forbidden Boogie Roundabout's Lady Crimson Roundabout's Pier One S Black Suit Optional Roundabout's Little Daredevil Johnson's Out N' About Arkansas Jambalaya Surprise Roundabouts Merry-Go-Round WB Cyclone WB Torrential Love Titanium Citizen Aysel Rhoswen Aysel Chelan Aysel Gesine Star Dahlia Aysel Cadhla Forget Me Not
29.Futurity Showmanship Sunshine Lullaby Ormanda of Everest Cornerstones Ability
30.Jr Showmanship Bavin Jazz Lady Powered By Fear Smidge SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH First Love CH Monsoon RockHard Thomas
31.Sr Showmanship American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols Star Encore L.E. Luana
32.Futurity Hunter Under Saddle Ormanda of Everest Cornerstones Ability
33.Jr Hunter Under Saddle S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty Royalty Black Magic Downland Buzz Black Death Deluxe Set-back Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman S Sheza Tough Rocket Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm CH Monsoon Confusion Tills Gone RockHard Thomas Fire Bluehawks Fairy Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi Steamy Windows Shameless
34.Sr Hunter Under Saddle Ultimatiums Inscription Chrome Highlights Rare Sight FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom Skellorn Chantilly Hera Secret Treasure Sea Breeze Scorpio SAI Friar's Son
35.Futurity Hunt Seat Equitation Ormanda of Everest
36.Jr Hunt Seat Equitation Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge Lady Aura SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Ocean Storm Fire Bluehawks Fairy S Genuine Luck Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi Shameless
37.Sr Hunt Seat Equitation FDI Island Survivor Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Peach Blossom Scorpio SAI Friar's Son SAI Western Glimmer Hobby Horses Gold Sand Glenormiston Mistella
38.Futurity English Pleasure 39.Jr English Pleasure FDI Rebel Lady CH Monsoon
40.Sr English Pleasure Frost N' Smoke Midsummers Night Owl
41.Futurity English Equitation Sunshine Lullaby Cornerstones Ability
42.Jr English Equitation FDI Rebel Lady CH First Love CH Monsoon
43.Sr English Equitation Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
44.Cross Rails Hunter (1' - 1'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bavin Jazz Lady Bavin Mythical Dreams Bavin Red Athena Lady Aura Confusion Steamy Windows Shameless Cornerstones Ability
45.Short Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level II) Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Aysel Moon Aderyn Hafwen Rosmel Merry Mardi
46.Long Stirrup Hunter Hack (1'6 - 2', Level III) Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Hobby Horses Gold Sand SAI Western Glimmer
47.Hunter Hack (2' - 2'3, Level IV) Bear Valley Royal Star American's Royal Beau Crimson Bristols CZ Pistols White Heat Peach Blossom Cisco Carley Scottish Sunkiss Smidge CH First Love CH Ocean Storm Scorpio SAI Friar's Son Skellorn Chantilly Hera Secret Treasure Sea Breeze Glenormiston Mistella
48.Pony Jumpers (2'3 - 2'6, Level I) Frost N' Smoke Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Quicksilver Mercury Dutchess of Aryn Capture The Spirit Powered By Fear Fire Bluehawks Fairy One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer
49.Low Jumpers (2'6 - 2'9, Level II) Royal Buffette Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith Bristols Little Bandit
50.Mid-Level Jumpers (2'9 - 3'3, Level III) Angel In Gold No Luck Needed Peach Blossom High Hopes Filigree S Lady Of York CH Monsoon Grey Haven Roluck
51.High Jumpers (3'3 - 3'6, Level IV) Out of The Blue L.E. Luana Ginger Lily Applewitch Manci Panic Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
52.Gamblers Choice (3'6 - 3'9, Level V) Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream L.E. Luana Moondreamer
53.Introductory Level Dressage Kickass Glitter Steamy Windows Cornerstones Ability
54.Training Level Dressage Moonshine Tuesday Sheza Cinnomin Bar Bear Valley Mystery Capture The Spirit CH First Love One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer Sweet Silver Power
55.First Level Dressage Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dolled Up Rose Talisman Star Encore Thornhills Locksmith SAI Smokin Pistols High Hopes Filigree CH Monsoon Diamond High Showtime Ginger Lily Applewitch Manic Panic Grey Haven Roluck
56.Second Level Dressage Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Bristols Little Bandit L.E. Luana Maplehurst Ceallach Macdaire
57.Third Level Dressage Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream Stone Princess Crimson Bristols S Lady Of York
58.Fourth Level Dressage American's Royal Beau
59.Prix St George Dressage 60.Intermediate I Dressage 61.Intermediate II Dressage 62.Grand Prix Dressage 63.Dressage Seat Equitation Diamond High Showtime
64.Freestyle Dressage Jr Horse Dolled Up Rose Talisman CH Monsoon Grey Haven Roluck
65.Freestyle Dressage Sr Horse Star Encore Stone Princess One Tough Twist Forest Hill Star Gazer Sweet Silver Power Ginger Lily Applewitch Manic Panic
66.Futurity Western Pleasure 67.Jr Western Pleasure Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade Angel In Waiting SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit Tills Gone RockHard Thomas S Genuine Luck S Plaudit of Patty S Smokin Hot
68.Sr Western Pleasure Bay B Boy CZ Pistols White Heat CZ Kryptoquote Midsummers Night Owl S Mediterran Suntan
69.Futurity Horsemanship 70.Jr Horsemanship Daisy Peponita SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
71.Sr Horsemanship 72.Futurity Trail 73.Jr Trail Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
74.Sr Trail Bay B Boy CZ Kryptoquote S Mediterran Suntan
75.Futurity Western Riding 76.Jr Western Riding Daisy Peponita Zippo Pine Spree Ashwood Renegade SAI Fireman Roundabout's Heat OfThe Moment CH Free Spirit S Genuine Luck S Smokin Hot
77.Sr Western Riding Bay B Boy
78.Futurity Reining 79.Jr Reining Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
80.Sr Reining Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
81.Futurity Cutting 82.Jr Cutting Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee Angel In Waiting
83.Sr Cutting Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee Sailing Jane S Lil Lynx
84.Futurity Calf Roping 85.Jr Calf Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
86.Sr Calf Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
87.Futurity Breakaway Roping 88.Jr Breakaway Roping Sparks Double Disco Red Hot Busy Bee
89.Sr Breakaway Roping Custom Martini Double Skippin Dee S Lil Lynx
90.Futurity Working Cow Horse 91.Jr Working Cow Horse Red Hot Busy Bee
92.Sr Working Cow Horse Custom Martini S Lil Lynx
93.Futurity Barrel Racing S Pixie Stix
92.Jr Barrel Racing Ashwood Renegade
93.Sr Barrel Racing Precious Memories
94.Futurity Pole Bending S Pixie Stix
95.Jr Pole Bending 96.Sr Pole Bending Precious Memories
97.Futurity Pleasure Driving 98.Jr Pleasure Driving Quicksilver Mercury S Sheza Tough Rocket CH First Love CH Monsoon Fire Bluehawks Fairy
99.Sr Pleasure Driving Bear Valley Mystery Carolina's Wild Bird Bear Valley Royal Star Dutchess of Aryn Peach Blossom Royal Buffette Sweet Silver Power Glenormiston Mistella Hobby Horses Gold Sand
100.Open Obstacle Driving Sweet Silver Power Glenormiston Mistella Hobby Horses Gold Sand
101.Open Cone Driving Ice Cream Our Deliverance Chocolate Drizzle Vanilla Cream
102.Two Horse Team Driving (must have a two horse team to enter) Dutchess of Aryn & Quicksilver Mercury Diamond High Showtime & Fire Bluehawks Fairy
103.Four Horse Team Driving (must have a four horse team to enter Our Deliverance + Chocolate Drizzle + Vanilla Cream +Ice Cream
104.Jr Costume Smidge
105.Sr Costume Ceinwen Rhiannon Kenwood's Owena Morwenna Out of The Blue Peach Blossom Royal Buffette